[email protected]
Name: Jemima Ball
From: Northampton Favourite food place in Leicester: Tamatanga for 2-4-1 cocktails and a curry Fond med school memory: PJ Pub Crawl 2022 Top tip for freshers: Get involved in INTROweek from the start… meet lots of people, enjoy the events and remember you can recover at the weekend! Have fun throughout the year too, ensuring you balance studies with socialising. Bio: Jemima is your LUSUMA President for the upcoming year! She has plenty of LUSUMA experience to share with the rest of the committee and is ready to oversee all the hard work committee put in to deliver great events throughout the year. Jemima is super easy to talk to happy to help students no matter what the issue, feel free to message her on Insta (@jemima_ball) or drop her an email at [email protected] |