Media Officer
[email protected]
Name: Emma Williamson
From: 'ull (north east for you southerners)
Favourite Leicester Venue: My Lets-Disko T-shirt collection speaks for itself.
Fond Med School memory: Winning the badminton fixture of university varsity in my second year, and celebrating in Nawaz and the O2.
Top tip for freshers: If you play a sport you will definitely have time to play for the uni and medic teams, make the most of this in your first and second years!
Having already had one year of giving you updates on all the ins and outs of med school life and events, Emma is going again for round two!
After four years in Leicester she’s almost grasped the life of a southerner, although this year will be unable to compete with Lenie who definitely holds the position of number one northerner on the LUSUMA committee.
Emma loves to be out on the badminton court or drinking far too much on socials so you can catch her there (she’s always at the barrier in the O2 fighting for a LetsDisko T-shirt). She’ll also be around to snap all the photos for LUSUMA this year (fingers crossed for IntroWeek), so ensure to grab her attention so you can show off Med school life to all those non-medics out there (remember there’s no such things as too many photos!)
Feel free to contact her via [email protected]
From: 'ull (north east for you southerners)
Favourite Leicester Venue: My Lets-Disko T-shirt collection speaks for itself.
Fond Med School memory: Winning the badminton fixture of university varsity in my second year, and celebrating in Nawaz and the O2.
Top tip for freshers: If you play a sport you will definitely have time to play for the uni and medic teams, make the most of this in your first and second years!
Having already had one year of giving you updates on all the ins and outs of med school life and events, Emma is going again for round two!
After four years in Leicester she’s almost grasped the life of a southerner, although this year will be unable to compete with Lenie who definitely holds the position of number one northerner on the LUSUMA committee.
Emma loves to be out on the badminton court or drinking far too much on socials so you can catch her there (she’s always at the barrier in the O2 fighting for a LetsDisko T-shirt). She’ll also be around to snap all the photos for LUSUMA this year (fingers crossed for IntroWeek), so ensure to grab her attention so you can show off Med school life to all those non-medics out there (remember there’s no such things as too many photos!)
Feel free to contact her via [email protected]