Charity and Volunteering Officer
[email protected]

Name: Joyita Saha
From: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Favourite Leicester Venue: ASDA (midnight trips to ASDA were the highlights of her pandemic routine)
Fond Med School memory: Actually being at the GDC, meeting friends and grabbing Starbucks
Top tip for freshers: Please don’t shy away from going up to people and introducing yourself during freshers’ week, everyone is new here and everyone wants a friend!
Joyita is your Charity and Volunteering officer for the year. After being in med school for 2 years, her soul finally matches the dark and gloomy British weather. She loves to cook for her favourite people, and definitely would have been in culinary school if medicine wasn’t in the cards.
Joyita has a newfound love for running, so could be spotted at Victoria Park. If you see her, don’t hesitate to go and say hi (Promise she is friendly). Alternatively, you can email her at [email protected] if you are ever homesick or just need someone to talk to.
From: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Favourite Leicester Venue: ASDA (midnight trips to ASDA were the highlights of her pandemic routine)
Fond Med School memory: Actually being at the GDC, meeting friends and grabbing Starbucks
Top tip for freshers: Please don’t shy away from going up to people and introducing yourself during freshers’ week, everyone is new here and everyone wants a friend!
Joyita is your Charity and Volunteering officer for the year. After being in med school for 2 years, her soul finally matches the dark and gloomy British weather. She loves to cook for her favourite people, and definitely would have been in culinary school if medicine wasn’t in the cards.
Joyita has a newfound love for running, so could be spotted at Victoria Park. If you see her, don’t hesitate to go and say hi (Promise she is friendly). Alternatively, you can email her at [email protected] if you are ever homesick or just need someone to talk to.