Academic Officer
[email protected]

Name: Gaurika Puri
From: Newcastle/The Geordie Shore
If she wasn’t doing medicine: she’d be pursuing her true calling of being a stand-up comedian (did you hear she was voted second funniest in her school yearbook?)
Famous quote: “Hurrumph”
Top tip for fresher’s: If you forget your keys on a night out just go to reception at halls and ask someone to let you back into your room, don’t sleep in the corridor like an idiot
Having finally quit her job of pouring drinks and cleaning up vomit at the O2, Gaurika now has a newfound love for life and a lot of free time to dedicate to the ever-growing academic branch of LUSUMA. From VECE to finals and every emotional breakdown in-between, Gaurika is there to offer some sage words of advice or to drown the pain in tequila. You can contact her via [email protected].
From: Newcastle/The Geordie Shore
If she wasn’t doing medicine: she’d be pursuing her true calling of being a stand-up comedian (did you hear she was voted second funniest in her school yearbook?)
Famous quote: “Hurrumph”
Top tip for fresher’s: If you forget your keys on a night out just go to reception at halls and ask someone to let you back into your room, don’t sleep in the corridor like an idiot
Having finally quit her job of pouring drinks and cleaning up vomit at the O2, Gaurika now has a newfound love for life and a lot of free time to dedicate to the ever-growing academic branch of LUSUMA. From VECE to finals and every emotional breakdown in-between, Gaurika is there to offer some sage words of advice or to drown the pain in tequila. You can contact her via [email protected].