Vice President of Sports and Societies
[email protected]
Name: Beth Clayton
From: Shropshire
Favourite Leicester venue: Walkabout on a Wednesday before LetsDisko
Fond Med School memory: Charity netball tournament (before I ended up on crutches)
Top tip for freshers: You only get one INTROweek! Go out every night, make friends and enjoy it!
A true country girl through and through (having only discovering the existence Uber and food deliveries when at uni), Beth is your number one point of contact for anything sport or sub-society related this year. She is a member of medics netball and hockey as well as running, swimming and playing waterpolo for the uni. Who ever said medics don’t have any free time?
Beth is best found on strava running around Victoria Park or eating millionaires shortbread in the atrium (and is probably the biggest The Big Bang Theory nerd you’ll meet).
She is always up for a chat about sports, medicine, or just anything at all, and frequently falls over her own feet if you’re ever in need of a laugh.
[email protected]
From: Shropshire
Favourite Leicester venue: Walkabout on a Wednesday before LetsDisko
Fond Med School memory: Charity netball tournament (before I ended up on crutches)
Top tip for freshers: You only get one INTROweek! Go out every night, make friends and enjoy it!
A true country girl through and through (having only discovering the existence Uber and food deliveries when at uni), Beth is your number one point of contact for anything sport or sub-society related this year. She is a member of medics netball and hockey as well as running, swimming and playing waterpolo for the uni. Who ever said medics don’t have any free time?
Beth is best found on strava running around Victoria Park or eating millionaires shortbread in the atrium (and is probably the biggest The Big Bang Theory nerd you’ll meet).
She is always up for a chat about sports, medicine, or just anything at all, and frequently falls over her own feet if you’re ever in need of a laugh.
[email protected]