Social Secretary
[email protected]

Name: Jasmine Hulme Kenny
From: Manchester (which IS in the north even though Lénie would like to argue otherwise)
Favourite Leicester venue: Turtle bay, you HAVE to get a bottomless brunch and get as many free cocktails as humanly possible
Fond Med School memory: Got to give a shout out to Leicester medic netball socials for this one, never a dull night and I’ll always be ready for LetsDisko.
Top tip for freshers: Enjoy yourselves! Moving away from home is daunting at first but just try and get stuck in. You’ll make loads of friends and memories so don’t worry, and remember everyone is in the same boat as you.
As one half of your social secretary this year, Jasmine is ready to give you the socials we all need after over a year's worth of Corona taking over our lives. She’s always up for a night out, even if she regrets it the next day, so always has a bottle of Prosecco at the ready. Hopefully she’ll be in less embarrassing LetsDisko pictures this year (but that’s unlikely) so you’ll get to know her face through LUSUMA instead. If you’re ever in need of a chat or have any social related questions drop her an email at [email protected]
From: Manchester (which IS in the north even though Lénie would like to argue otherwise)
Favourite Leicester venue: Turtle bay, you HAVE to get a bottomless brunch and get as many free cocktails as humanly possible
Fond Med School memory: Got to give a shout out to Leicester medic netball socials for this one, never a dull night and I’ll always be ready for LetsDisko.
Top tip for freshers: Enjoy yourselves! Moving away from home is daunting at first but just try and get stuck in. You’ll make loads of friends and memories so don’t worry, and remember everyone is in the same boat as you.
As one half of your social secretary this year, Jasmine is ready to give you the socials we all need after over a year's worth of Corona taking over our lives. She’s always up for a night out, even if she regrets it the next day, so always has a bottle of Prosecco at the ready. Hopefully she’ll be in less embarrassing LetsDisko pictures this year (but that’s unlikely) so you’ll get to know her face through LUSUMA instead. If you’re ever in need of a chat or have any social related questions drop her an email at [email protected]