[email protected]
Name: Tim Ricketts
From: South Devon
Famous quotes: "On my gap year...", "Tune!", "I'm just not playing well this week"
Role model: Ollie Blake
If I wasn't doing medicine I would be: Trying to get rich enough to become Batman
As you'll probably find out within five minutes of meeting him, Tim loves Devon. Whether it's watching the sun go down on a deserted beach, getting chased by cows or trying to avoid Plymouth, Tim is in his element. As you can imagine, coming to Leicester was quite a shock, but he's embracing his new love of LetsDisko and Dr Hales. Tim loves smashing balls against walls, and regularly gets thrashed by just about everyone who plays at the Leicester medics squash club. He's a friendly face on campus who'll always answer any questions that you might have. A Facebook message is usually your best bet, but you can often find him in Dominos making some bad life/meal decisions.
From: South Devon
Famous quotes: "On my gap year...", "Tune!", "I'm just not playing well this week"
Role model: Ollie Blake
If I wasn't doing medicine I would be: Trying to get rich enough to become Batman
As you'll probably find out within five minutes of meeting him, Tim loves Devon. Whether it's watching the sun go down on a deserted beach, getting chased by cows or trying to avoid Plymouth, Tim is in his element. As you can imagine, coming to Leicester was quite a shock, but he's embracing his new love of LetsDisko and Dr Hales. Tim loves smashing balls against walls, and regularly gets thrashed by just about everyone who plays at the Leicester medics squash club. He's a friendly face on campus who'll always answer any questions that you might have. A Facebook message is usually your best bet, but you can often find him in Dominos making some bad life/meal decisions.