Renal and Endocrine Society
Hello! We welcome you to the second year of the Renal and Endocrinology Society at the University of Leicester.
Aims: To help you through some of the less popular modules at medical school... You will find the kidneys aren't so bad after all! We also will aim to run career talks and other interesting events throughout the year.
Who are we?
President: Alireza Majlessi
Vice President: Priya Sivakumaran
Secretary: Rafhi Chowdhury
Treasurer: Mariam Bibi
Social Media Rep: Nicole De Sousa
Endocrinology rep: Avishka De Silva
Welfare Officer: Asifa Mohmed
Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @uolrenalendsoc
Aims: To help you through some of the less popular modules at medical school... You will find the kidneys aren't so bad after all! We also will aim to run career talks and other interesting events throughout the year.
Who are we?
President: Alireza Majlessi
Vice President: Priya Sivakumaran
Secretary: Rafhi Chowdhury
Treasurer: Mariam Bibi
Social Media Rep: Nicole De Sousa
Endocrinology rep: Avishka De Silva
Welfare Officer: Asifa Mohmed
Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @uolrenalendsoc