Over 2023/24, we plan to:
- Host regular career events, featuring talks from consultant histopathologists, microbiologists and forensic pathologists
- Raise awareness of issues in pathology through charity events
- Post regular interactive revision cases on Instagram
As a society, we aim to:
- Raise awareness and enjoyment of pathology as a specialty through networking events, revision lectures and talks
- Provide a social forum for all those interested in Pathology
- Provide academic and moral support to those who require it during the course of their study
- Promote a link between Leicester Medical School Pathology staff and students
Here's just some potential future events to look out for...
- Careers talks from consultant histopathologists, microbiologists and forensic pathologists
- Research talks from trainee histopathologists
- Revision sessions for Phase 1 students
- Advertisement of conferences and local events
Contact us!
If you've got any suggestions for events, would like to get more involved in the society, or just want to learn more about pathology drop us an email at [email protected]
Meet The Committee:
Michael KeanePresident
Simran PanesarSecretary
Amardeep SidkiVice-President
Toli Nix
Well-Being and Inclusion Officer