Charity Officer
[email protected]
Name: Prity Bhuiyan
From: Ancona, Italy (but I moved to Leicester 7 years ago) Favourite food place in Leicester: Tipu Sultan, Bodrum, Kai (Soz can’t pick one) Fond medschool memory: Introweek (as nothing beats the feeling of when you first start) and every post exam celebrations! Top tip for freshers: talk to as many people as possible, join societies (even outside medschool), don’t overthink and have fun! Literally nothing is ever that deep! Also don’t forget about the hobbies and goals you have outside medicine! Bio: Prity is your charity and volunteering officer for the year yay! She’ll be arranging some exciting events throughout the year to raise money for local and national charities, serving her iconic motto “Fun with a purpose”! She’ll also be a point of reference for any volunteering opportunities for students who’d want to get involved 😊 |