Ball Secretary
[email protected]

Name: Iona Brett
From: Norfolk
Favourite food: anything chocolate related
If she wasn’t studying medicine: ski season every season
Top tip for fresher’s: you will feel like you don’t know anything at times but it’ll all come together in the end, just breathe!
Iona is one half of our Ball Sec duo this year, this means she helps plan the Summer, Winter and INTROweek balls. She wants to make the balls some of the best nights for everyone attending. You may hear people referring to her as a ‘vegan’, but criminalising photos of her at Maccies at the end of the night act as strong evidence against this. She also has a drunk alter-ego named ‘Onika’ which hopefully you’ll get the chance to meet. Iona is most looking forward to getting all glammed up at the INTROweek ball.
From: Norfolk
Favourite food: anything chocolate related
If she wasn’t studying medicine: ski season every season
Top tip for fresher’s: you will feel like you don’t know anything at times but it’ll all come together in the end, just breathe!
Iona is one half of our Ball Sec duo this year, this means she helps plan the Summer, Winter and INTROweek balls. She wants to make the balls some of the best nights for everyone attending. You may hear people referring to her as a ‘vegan’, but criminalising photos of her at Maccies at the end of the night act as strong evidence against this. She also has a drunk alter-ego named ‘Onika’ which hopefully you’ll get the chance to meet. Iona is most looking forward to getting all glammed up at the INTROweek ball.