Academic Officer
[email protected]
Name: Tomini Fashina
From: Uhm like five different countries (ask but don't ask)
Famous Quotes: "Friends of Tomini get a beanie"
Role Models: Since moving to England, everyday I look up to the clouds
If I wasn't doing Medicine I'd be: A black market Nutella seller in uncharted parts of the world
Some say she eats nails for breakfast, some say her bottle of water is full of the tears of young children. Others say she is the best dancer since Michael Jackson. Some also say she plays basketball with royalty. All of them are right, of course. Never doubt that.
(Disclaimer: All of the above is false as medical students don't have time to do anything other than do Brainscape and eat Nutella)
From: Uhm like five different countries (ask but don't ask)
Famous Quotes: "Friends of Tomini get a beanie"
Role Models: Since moving to England, everyday I look up to the clouds
If I wasn't doing Medicine I'd be: A black market Nutella seller in uncharted parts of the world
Some say she eats nails for breakfast, some say her bottle of water is full of the tears of young children. Others say she is the best dancer since Michael Jackson. Some also say she plays basketball with royalty. All of them are right, of course. Never doubt that.
(Disclaimer: All of the above is false as medical students don't have time to do anything other than do Brainscape and eat Nutella)